Design and Technology

Design and Technology at Highfield J&I School



Our D and T curriculum aims to develop our children’s understanding of designing and making functional products for a real purpose. We want for our children to be immersed in purposeful, practical learning opportunities that enables them to acquire the skills and knowledge associated with the whole process of Design and Technology. Our children will understand the role that technology plays, explore real life products from the world in which we live, using them as ideas that allow them to innovate and make their own pieces. Our children will explore, design, make and evaluate throughout their D and T learning. Where appropriate, we endeavour to provide our children with representation through the Design and Technology curriculum.

Throughout their time with us, children acquire and apply knowledge and understanding of a range of materials encompassing the entire D and T curriculum: food and nutrition, mechanisms, structures, electronics and textiles. In doing this, our children will experiment with varying tools, materials and techniques that will support them in making high quality end products that are effective in fulfilling the purpose identified at the design stage. Built on the 2014 national curriculum, our curriculum is mapped out progressively and ensures that children are able to build on previous learning with opportunities to retrieve, reactivate and apply. Through doing this, our children will be able to use this knowledge to support their own design and making choices as they move through the curriculum.



Our curriculum is implemented to ensure that children have experienced the full breadth and depth of the National Curriculum programmes of study by the time they leave Y6, covering the design, make and evaluate process at every stage. This ensures that our children learn the disciplinary and substantive knowledge that will enable them to be successful in this area. Where possible and where appropriate, links are made to other areas of the curriculum.

Our Design and Technology curriculum makes clear to children that whatever they design and make has to be for a clear purpose and, where possible, this is linked to a real-life context. Children are given opportunities to be innovative through looking at current or past products that they can use as a basis for their own products. Across the subject, children are able to research, plan, create prototypes and refine before moving on to the making process. Children are given access to a range of tools and materials that they are able and encouraged to use in order to meet the specification and purpose of their designs and end product. Children are then encouraged to evaluate their end product against their own criteria, highlighting strengths and areas of development. We actively encourage our children to seek the perspective of others when evaluating. As the curriculum is progress, the expectation for the design, make and evaluate process grows in demand, in line with the age and expectation for the specific year group.



Children will speak positively about their learning in Design and Technology, demonstrating secure knowledge of the design and technology process. Children will have developed the knowledge and skills that will enable them to be innovative and creative whilst understanding the role of the subject in modern times. They will have developed the appropriate skills and knowledge that will enable them to succeed beyond their time at Highfield.

The impact of the curriculum is measured through:

  • Pupil progress and achievement data
  • Learning walks, book monitoring and pupil voice
  • Pupil conferencing

Readiness for the next stage in their learning


Science at Highfield J&I School



Science is all around us and has a significant impact on everyday life. Therefore, this area of learning is paramount if our children are to go off into the world able to investigate and understand the fundamental elements of the subject. At Highfield School, our children have opportunities to understand science in the world around them and how this is incorporated in everyday life, through a broad and balanced curriculum. We aim to enable children to gain a deeper understanding into the scientific world, allowing them to research and investigate concepts, whilst accumulating the knowledge of essential science. Our Science curriculum will enable children to develop and refine their scientific skills as they progress through school. The children will be encouraged to carry out purposeful scientific investigations, using the correct scientific vocabulary so that they are able to explain and evaluate their findings.

As children grow and move through school, our aim is to harness their naturally curious approach to develop a passion for science. Through this approach, they will understand how science is an essential part of the world around them, the impact of significant scientists and how Science provides multiple career opportunities.



From the very beginning of life in our school, children are encouraged to think about the world around them from a scientific perspective. In early years, children are encouraged to begin to ask questions and explore a scientific approach using purposeful provocations in the curriculum area, Understanding the World. Through the use of observational and experimental skills, children can explore scientific experiences and concepts to begin their journey as a young scientist.

Based on the programmes of study outlined in the 2014 national curriculum, our teaching offers children the opportunity to develop their scientific knowledge and expand their skill set in the ‘working scientifically’ area of learning. Our topics have been carefully selected in line with the three scientific disciplines: Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Through weekly teaching, the children have the opportunity to build on previous learning, retrieving and developing knowledge and skills. Children will be encouraged to plan, predict and undertake numerous investigations, including those that inspire them to think about the awe and wonder of science. Vocabulary is at the heart of learning, with children being exposed to and aided in using key science specific language choices to explore and explain their thinking.

Children are introduced to new concepts enabling them to retrieve previously taught skills and apply these into new concepts. Teachers use formative assessment throughout learning to consolidate and move learning on, with a termly assessment made for each child. Our science curriculum is inclusive, with learning scaffolded appropriately and adapted to suit the needs of every learner. Using success criteria, children understand the steps to take to achieve learning within a lesson and unit of work to expand their own knowledge and skill set.

By the end of their learning journey at Highfield School, children will have experienced a variety of ideas and concepts to allow them to know more and remember more so that they are able to do more.



The impact of our curriculum is to ensure clears progress over time for all pupils. They will gain the intuitive skills to investigate and explore scientific concepts that are transferable into other areas of the curriculum. They will have taken part in a variety of experiences, including many scientific investigations, to harness and develop their curious approach which they can relate to real world situations. Children’s vocabulary use in this area will allow for breadth and depth to support them with the articulation of explaining scientific ideas. They will have the exposure to how science relates to the modern-day world and be able to consider their own part in this.

The impact of the curriculum is measured through:                                                                        

  • Pupil progress and achievement data
  • Learning walks, book monitoring and pupil voice
  • Pupil conferencing
  • Readiness for the next stage in their learning

British Values

British Values at Highfield J&I School


The DfE requires every school to ‘promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.’

At Highfield School, we develop and promote British Values throughout our school and within our curriculum. We deliver a values-based curriculum that is built upon our own school values. The British values themselves link to our school values that underpin the life of our school:

Respect      Equality     Inspiration      Determination    Honesty     Friendship


Picture 1


Our values aim to instil and develop the qualities that we believe will enable our children to navigate their way through life, playing an active and positive role in everyday life.

To do this we:

  • Develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self- confidence
  • Develop a sense of pride in their own identity
  • Develop their understanding of right from wrong and to respect the rules of the school and the laws of Britain
  • Encourage pupils to accept responsibility for their behaviours and understand how to make positive changes
  • Promote tolerance and harmony by enabling pupils to acquire an appreciation and respect for their own and other cultures
  • Teach children about the protected characteristics in order that they learn to respect others, celebrate diversity and recognise prejudice and discrimination
  • Teach pupils to respect other people, animals and the world around them
  • Teach pupils to understand and respect democratic processes

As a school we promote British values in a number of ways:

Pupil voice is very important at Highfield. Pupils are asked their opinions and suggestions, and these are taken seriously. We work with our children to develop their opinions and ability to articulate them. Within school, pupils have roles of responsibility. Head pupils and school prefects are selected through a democratic process and these pupils make a valuable contribution to the development of the school. We also have a school council that is selected democratically. The understanding of democracy as a concept is taught through our curriculum, particularly through the areas of Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) and history.

The Rule of Law

Throughout their time at school, pupils develop their understanding of what is right and what is wrong. We have school rules and expectations that pupils know, understand, and follow. Pupils understand why these rules are important and older pupils encourage younger pupils to follow them. Our pupil leaders play an active role in this. Through daily school life, and explicitly in PSHE lessons, pupils develop their understanding of actions, responsibilities and consequences. Visits from/to authorities such as the police, fire service are regular parts of our curriculum and help reinforce this message.

Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs
This is achieved through enhancing pupils’ understanding of their place in a culturally diverse society and by giving them opportunities to experience such diversity. Learning about a wide range of different religions in Religious Education and learning about protected characteristics in PSHE offer these opportunities and also support in discussions around the issue of prejudice. We have a fully representative curriculum that provides children with the opportunity to see, learn about and celebrate the contributions of people from all walks of life.

Mutual Respect
It is an expectation at that the school community demonstrate a respectful attitude at all times. Discussions, assemblies, team games in Physical Education and PSHE lessons across the school help to reinforce this message. Bullying is not tolerated, and pupils are taught about the different types of bullying, why they might occur and discuss possible strategies for dealing with incidents should they witness any.  In the early years, children begin to develop their understanding of others through planned learning opportunities within the areas of ‘Understanding the World’ and ‘Personal, Social and Emotional Development’. Again, our representative curriculum develops children’s respect for all people that they encounter.

Individual Liberty
We wholeheartedly support the aims enshrined in the UNICEF Rights of the Child and promote these through the PSHE curriculum and the work of the pastoral team. Within School, pupils are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. From the earliest age, pupils exercise individual freedoms through their child-initiated learning. As a school, we educate and provide boundaries for young pupils to make choices safely through the provision of a safe environment and empowering education.

Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and are advised how to exercise these safely.

Collective Worship
Collective worship is focused on our school values which link to the British Values. Through collective worship, pupils learn the importance of being kind, caring and respecting others indiscriminately. Our weekly whole school assembly is led by the senior leadership team and explores current affairs and themes based around the protected characteristics. Safeguarding assemblies support pupils in understanding rules for keeping themselves and others safe


Personal, Social and Economic Education (PSHE)

at Highield J&I School




At Highfield, we believe that PSHE plays a fundamental part in supporting pupils’ academic progress but equally as important, it supports their development and growth into confident and happy citizens. Effective PSHE provision has a significant impact on life chances and academic success. Our intention is that children leave Highfield, with the knowledge, understanding and emotional intelligence that will allow them to flourish and play a positive and active role in our diverse society. It is our belief that excellence in PSHE will lead to excellence across the curriculum and beyond. As with all curriculum areas, our PSHE curriculum intends to be representative, and support with raising achievement and developing our pupils’ aspirations.



Our PSHE curriculum has been developed around the PSHE association framework which has three core themes: relationships; health and well-being; and living in the wider world. Using this framework, we have developed a clear, comprehensive and personalised scheme of work based on the national curriculum, Highfield’s contextual information and including all of the statutory content for Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE).

We have planned, developed and written this curriculum to ensure that the units of work carefully build on previously taught knowledge and skills, enabling pupils to ‘know more and remember more’. We have planned our curriculum content to ensure it represents and promotes diversity and inclusion through the literature, resources and subject content taught. Writing our own curriculum has enabled us to address contextual safeguarding issues and embed school values within and across year groups. The PSHE curriculum is enhanced by collective worship which is based around the school values. We also have planned safeguarding assemblies which support pupils in the retrieval of key PSHE themes such as trusted adults and healthy relationships. Again, these link to some of the contextual information related to Highfield School.

Visits and visitors complement our PSHE curriculum and give pupils access to outside experiences and expertise. Other school responsibilities and activities, such as school council, prefects and head pupils and mentors support the development of pupils’ personal skills. We also provide termly enrichment opportunities that enhance the learning from our PSHE curriculum.

In KS1 and KS2 PSHE is taught weekly and, where appropriate, evidence is recorded in PSHE books. Within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Personal, Social and Emotional development (PSED) lays the foundation for the EYFS curriculum. Pupils learn through the prime areas of self-regulation, managing self and building relationships. These skills are taught through a combination of focus teaching and opportunities to learn through play.



We believe that the success of the PSHE curriculum will be demonstrated in the pupils themselves. Pupils will be able to not only articulate their learning in PSHE but demonstrate the qualities we are promoting through their day-to-day interactions, their own behaviour and development of their individual characters.

The impact of the curriculum is measured through:

  • The way our pupils behave and conduct themselves
  • The way our pupils treat those who are different to them
  • Willingness to persevere, be resilient and embrace challenges
  • To make the right decisions in challenging situations
  • Learning behaviour assessments

The contribution they make to our school community.


Click here for our long term overview for PSHE at Highfield Junior & Infant School


Writing at Highfield J&I School



At Highfield School, our intention is for our writing curriculum to be representative and raise achievement and aspirations for all pupil groups. An effective writing curriculum will enable our children to be fluent and successful when speaking and writing. Being able to speak and write fluently are necessary for our children to thrive in society. Our children need to be confident and competent speakers and writers by the time they finish at Highfield. We want for our children to enjoy writing and understand the importance of this area of learning.

In line with the national curriculum, out curriculum allows our children to develop the knowledge and skills that enable them to be successful. The curriculum is mapped out progressively within and across year groups and ensures that the key skills and knowledge that children encounter is built upon year on year. Our curriculum develops the language and written skills that our pupils need to master throughout their time at primary school.



At Highfield, our children are fully engaged in the writing process, giving them opportunities to write for a range of purposes. Our curriculum ensures that our children are clear on the purpose and audience: they understand what they are writing and who it is for through being taught how to write for the main purposes.

In order to do this, children are immersed in high-quality texts that they examine and extract ideas from. Our children are taught the importance of language choices and how they impact upon the overall quality of their written piece. Oral rehearsal is utilised to support our children with this. Our units of work all incorporate audience and purpose, composition and effect and grammar, punctuation and spelling.

Our children are provided with a clear context for writing – linked to our non-core curriculum where possible – and always based around a quality class text.

Our writing curriculum is planned to ensure writing opportunities are sourced carefully and developed based on the needs of each individual pupil. The end outcome is shared from the beginning so that children are clear on expectations for their written work. Teacher modelling is utilised to support children in achieving this. A range of writing stimuli are used to develop children’s written work and to enhance and enrich the writing process as a whole.

Each unit of writing lasts between 2 to 4 weeks. Skills are developed and embedded in a clear, progressive, sequence of learning across each writing unit. In KS1 and KS2, pupils complete the full writing process in each writing unit and they are given opportunities to write at length in extended, independent writing sessions at the end of the unit. This may be in a different context or linked to a different curriculum area as it demonstrates the understanding command and use of language, composition and skills through independent application. Handwriting is also taught across school beginning with individual letter formation through to joining and developing fluency and style.

In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), pupils are provided with opportunities to explore, learn and use words and text in a broad range of contexts, including through stories, role play and drama. We create a language rich environment so that children are given every opportunity to build their language repertoire.



Our writing curriculum ensures that children can produce high quality texts in a range of contexts, curriculum areas and for differing audience and purposes.

The impact of the curriculum is measured through:

  • Ongoing assessment of children’s written work
  • Termly assessments of the children’s portfolio of writing
  • Monitoring (progress and achievement) by senior leaders through regular book scrutiny, learning walks, pupil data and pupil conferencing
  • Achievement in line with age-related expectations
  • Moderation across the Trust/against standardised materials where available

This informs next steps for the implementation of writing, for individual pupils and for the development of staff within school

Contact Us

Highfield Junior & Infant School
Highfield Road
B8 3QF

Phone: 0121 647 1708



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